March Birthstone......Aquamarine

By her who in March was born
No gem save Aquamarine shall be worn
They will ensure her constancy
True friendship and fidelity.

Heliodor; Yellow Aquamarine, Golden Beryl

"Gift of the Sun", delight in serene memories of a sunny sky with soothing gold sparkle. Cool and calming Yellow Aquamarines cascade down the front   of the necklace for a dazzling display of faceted sparkle.

Yellow Aquamarine is known by several names, Heliodor, or Golden Beryl, and comes from the Greek words for sun, “helios,” and gift, “doron.” The sunny yellow color of this aquamarine lives up to its name. Heliodor was first discovered in Namibia in 1910, and is also found in Brazil and Madagascar.

Golden beryl can range in colors from pale yellow to a brilliant gold. Unlike emerald, golden beryl has very few flaws. The term "golden beryl" is sometimes synonymous with heliodor but golden beryl refers to pure yellow or golden yellow shades.

Heliodor Bay,
Yellow Aquamarine, 14K Gold Filled Necklace
Available on our Website, and Etsy

New Work: Sea Mist Necklace

Freshwater Pearls and Kyanite

Just the most perfect marine "blue and white" I think I've done.
For sale now, on the website, and Etsy.

New Work: Ocean Jasper

I've had these incredible Ocean Jasper columns in my toolbox for quite a long time, now. They are riddled with orbs and facinating to work with. Today, I decided to play with my beads, and came up with Ocean Jasper Rondelles, to either side, flanked by Bali Sterling spacers, then two round Ocean Jasper beads, one full of orbs on either side, then the Black Onyx to complete the look. I still have the column mate to it and may make a bracelet to compliment it.

Some designers play in their toolbox to come up with a piece, others  sit down and draw out what they see as a guide to manufacture. I do it both ways and enjoy both immensely. I always buy beads who call out to me, even though I may not have a particular piece in mind for them. They reside in my toolbox until the time is right. 

A note for those who are not familiar with Ocean Jasper:

Ocean Jasper is a rare mineral, mined in only one place in the world, the Mine of Marovato, on the Ambolobozo Peninsula in the the north west corner of Madagascar. Is called Ocean Jasper because the deposits are part of the coastline, and can only be reached by boat, and removed only during low tide.

Heres a great link with exceptional photos.

Ocean Jasper Necklace and Ring Set
                                                                            Private Collection
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